Live Uncommon - Never Giving Up, Always Giving Back.
Race Team
The Revolution
we are
We've Honored
The "R"?
To help
to get cool stuff
on the 7th Day of Christmas...
Dec 07, 2012 True LU gave to me....
....a couple of days off (to reset the Balance, ya know)... we are catching up the Days now..
Here is Day 7...
Let's begin again, then, shall we?
On the 7th Day of Christmas my True LU gave to me...... ....7 LIVE UNCOMMON Series Race Events in 2012 !!!
The 2012 LIVE UNCOMMON Race Series Events was comprised of, yup, 7 Race Events. The Uncommon thread binding all 7 ?? All 7 were selected based upon their GIVE BACK to the world.
The 2013 LIVE UNCOMMON Race Series Events have been selected and will be announced to YOU during the 31 Days of Christmas. As a matter of fact, we have one such announcement scheduled for release to YOU on Day 8 -- the very next verse of this catchy little song we've been singing together.
So keep singing along -- we've got some Uncommon stuff on the 2013 Race Series for YOU.
As we look forward, we will also look back. In 2012, the LIVE UNCOMMON Race Series kicked off on an Uncommonly warm March day in downtown Davenport, Iowa. Hosted on historic 2nd, Brady, and 3rd Streets, the event set an all-time record -- bringing over 3,500 runners across the START and FINISH LINES of the 1/4 Mile Tot Trot, 1 Mile Family Fun Run, and 5K Competive Race.
Most importantly, and the reason this event made its way onto the 2012 LIVE UNCOMMON Race Series, the event raised awareness and funds for Charity. The Charity of the Day was CASI -- Center for Active Seniors, Inc.
CASI is a not-for-profit serving the needs of active seniors since 1972. 2012 marked the 30th Anniversary of their annual fundraiser - the CASI St. Patrick's Day Races!
Here's a bit about CASI --
CASI's mission is to provide services that meet the needs of older adults, and fosters respect, dignity and quality of life. CASI has a professional staff dedicated to the advocacy of seniors and all issues facing our aging population. And let's face it -- we are all leading healthier lives, leading us to LONGER lives - we, or someone we know and care about, can either currently benefit from the services CASI offers, or will someday.
Besides boasting daily activities, classes, community forums, a fitness center and educational activities. Additionally, CASI operates an adult day care facility, serving seniors with early onset dementia, seniors with specific physical needs and seniors who enjoy a daily routine filled with physical and mental activities and social interaction.
Jane’s Place also provides caregivers with much needed respite and allows caregivers to continue to work.To provide services that meet the needs of older adults, and fosters respect, dignity and quality of life.
For these reasons...for CASI's commitment to GIVING BACK, it was selected as the 2012 LIVE UNCOMMON Race Series kick off event. LIVE UNCOMMON is proud to have played a role in helping them achieve record-breaking numbers in their much needed annual fundraiser - the CASI St. Patrick's Day Races.
As a 2012 LIVE UNCOMMON Series Race Event, CASI is a beneficiary of the 2012 LIVE UNCOMMON Race Team. What does this mean?? Maybe you are aware and maybe you aren't..but...the 2012 LIVE UNCOMMON Race Team ran the for the sake of more than just running. They ran with a higher purpose. Each one of the LIVE UNCOMMON Race Teamers ran to raise awareness and funds for the Charities behind the Events on the LU Series Races. We will bring you more about the Heroes who are the LIVE UNCOMMON Race Team and how their efforts literally paid off for the very worthy Charities.
There were 7 Series Events on the 2012 LU Race Series. We are highlighting only one today, on this 7th Day of Christmas, because we believe each ONE deserves its own Day.
Today, LIVE UNCOMMON tips it hat to CASI -- for serving to GIVE BACK to the World.......
to YOU -- for doing what YOU do -- doing your part by choosing to spend your TIME, ENERGY, and REGISTRATION FEE towards an Event that GIVES BACK. YOU ARE THE REVOLUTION.
keep scrolling down - alot of pics here...
and WAY more event photos within click's
And don't forget -- next verse (8th Day of Christmas) brings you the first event in 2013....
We know you're a a little hoarse...having a few days off from singing this tune, but it's just like riding a bike - it will come right back to you....
Here we go...
...On the 7th Day of Christmas my True LU gave to me.....7 LU Series Races in 2012.....
....6 vaLUes of LIVE UNCOMMON....
....5 Dudes named NICK..
...4 Friends of FRANZEN...
...3 LMTs.....