on the 8th Day of Christmas...
Dec 08, 2012

...my True LU gave to me......
okay, wait. We know we're a couple of Days behind in this song. Sorry. This verse, like all of them, is SOOOOO worth reading on what is now actually December 11. So, please do.... We will give you a full day to take this one in and then we'll will catch us up to current just before the close of 12/12/12..... now..back to the song....
On the 8th Day of Christmas my True LU gave to me.....
8 LU Endorsed Foot Race Events in 2013...!!!
on this 8th Day of Christmas Uncommon, we take a look back....and we take a look forward. As we announce this, and each of the 8 LU Endorsed Foot Races in 2013, it is important that YOU know WHY these events have made the LU cut. So do us, and YOU, and these events, a good deed, will ya, and read the entirety of this release. Get to know the WHY.
LIVE UNCOMMON is pleased to announce --- ONE by ONE --- the Y2 LIVE UNCOMMON Race Series!
All Race Series Events endorsed by LIVE UNCOMMON have been selected based upon their GIVE BACK to the world. So be confident that your well-earned TIME, ENERGY, and RACE REGISTRATION FEES are going to a worthy Cause.....not just to a race looking to make some dough. Ya know? Yup.
All Y2 Race Series Events have LU Teammates behind them in some significant way -- either serving as Race Director or Title Sponsor or something big like that. We knew they were out there - Races with LUs behind them. We sought them out. We found them. We bring them to YOU......
This is what the Movement is all about -- YOU -- the TEAM. Bound by the Uncommon thread compelling YOU to make a difference.....to change the world.
Your Y2 Race Series Events are driven by your LU Teammates, for a Cause that matters to them. YOU can help them make a difference. YOU can change the world by participating in these LU Endorsed Events.
1st on the LIVE UNCOMMON Race Series --- the Pre-Season LU Travel Team Warm Up -- RED FLANNEL RUN in Memory of LUKE ALTMIX SIMMONS benefitting YMCA
This event is endorsed by LIVE UNCOMMON for many reasons. For those LUs who have been on the roster from the wee hours of our existence, you may remember getting a tap....a call to action...on July 27, 2011. This was like only one month into Y1. Do you remember?? We do. The Crew was moved by your answer to the call.
For YOU LUs who are newer to the Movement, first of all, thanks for being YOU -- LU. The Movement is better, stronger, more....thanks to YOU. What can we say? We dig you. Secondly, about that call to action, we will try to recap and connect all the dots for you... ...on Day 18 we will tune you into the original LU call that said it all....but you're gonna have to wait for that one. But it will be worth it, we promise.
JIM SIMMONS brought his force to the Movement back in the start of it all. JIM told the Crew at the time, that he felt COMPELLED to do so. Here's why --
JIM experienced the tremendous agony of losing one of his three cherished sons, exactly four years prior to that LU call to action.
On the Friday of July 27, 2007, JIM’s son, LUKE ALMIX SIMMONS, was on a trail run in Matthews Winters Park west of Denver, Colorado, training for his second year of participation on his employer's team in the Colorado Relay. Luke loved his first Colorado Relay, enjoying the athletic challenge, the fresh air and scenery of his beloved Colorado and the camaraderie of his teammates.
Less than a half-mile from the end of his run that July day, a fast-moving Colorado storm sent a bolt of lightning that ended Luke's life. He was 24 years old.
JIM said he was compelled to join the LIVE UNCOMMON movement because LUKE LIVED UNCOMMON.….EVERY DAY.
In JIM’s words, “LUKE would have been all over this.”
In the years since LUKE's passing, JIM and Family have been the catalyst in making a difference in the world in ways they believe LUKE would have made a difference. Raising funds via an annual Walk with Luke event for the past years, LUKE's Family has donated substantial proceeds to scholarship funds, the construction of a rock-climbing wall, and the YMCA, to name a few. During these years, Friends and Family of LUKE huddled together and ran in the Colorado Relays - the event for which LUKE was training. Two of LIVE UNCOMMON’s Teammates - co-founder MICHELLE RUSSELL and daughter GABIE were honored to participate on TEAM LUKE’s running of the 2009 Colorado Relay – a 195 MILE, 30-LEG RELAY OVER THE ROCKIES. Here's how MICHELLE summed it up:
"We never had the pleasure of knowing LUKE. We only know him posthumously through his dad. I was assigned the longest and highest leg of the Relay – a half marathon starting at 10,000 feet and cresting at over 13,000 feet elevation. A good portion of the inclining trail was deep and narrow just like a bowling alley gutter. The runners were very staggered on the trail and it was more or less a solo run. As I approached the summit it was very quiet, the vast expanse of sky becoming a 360 degree horizon. And it was then that something amazing happened. The image of LUKE’s photo rose up in my mind, and a feeling rose up in me….LUKE was there. I am sure of it. I shared this with LUKE’s family later. My daughter and I took part in the Relay and TEAM LUKE together. It was a very powerful and moving experience. We remain extremely honored to have taken part in TEAM LUKE and it is a time, place, feeling we will never forget."
LUKE's Family recently made the decision to funnel all their efforts towards one event in memory of their LUKE. With the YMCA's mission - to build strong kids, strong families, strong communities through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all -- in alignment with LUKE's passions, JIM SIMMONS and Family have made a significant donation to the YMCA in honor of LUKE. The YMCA's annual fundraiser will now be run, by all, in memory of LUKE. Pretty cool, huh? Yup. Pretty freaking cool.
What do we say at LIVE UNCOMMON? We say alot of cool things, we know. This one -- LIVE UNCOMMON is NOT just about running. Most of us have run at some point....in some race....on some solo Saturday morning run...somewhere....somewhen......for a REASON way, way bigger than just running. Maybe someone you love and care about was really sick or suffering. Maybe YOU lost someone close to you -- like JIM has -- and you were aching over it. Maybe a good friend of yours lost someone close to them and you were feeling helpless to help them. And you took it out on your run. And it helped you work it out a little. MORE than just running. It's powerful. YOU are powerful.
We ask that YOU -- LU -- join the LIVE UNCOMMON Travel Team and make your way with us, with your TEAM, to DesMoines on February 16. We - LIVE UNCOMMON - will RUN WITH LUKE. Come run with us. Run with JIM. Run with LUKE. Run with, and for, WHOever, whatever, makes it more than just running for YOU. Or just run. That's pretty good too.
Click on the pick of LUKE up there and register NOW. Register before DECEMBER 15 -- yes that's only like 4 more days!! -- and register for $10 bucks less. Totally worth it. After you register, forward your registration confirmation to us at liveuncommon@russellco.com and we'll throw some LU gear your way just because we dig that you're on the LU Travel Team --- our 31 Days of Christmas Uncommon gift to YOU....
now...let's sing!!! Ready??? Go!! ......on the 8th Day of Christmas my True LU gave to me..... ....8 LU Endorsed Foot Race Events in 2013...... ....7 LIVE UNCOMMMON Series Races in 2012...... ....6 vaLUes of LIVE UNCOMMON.... ....5 Dudes named NICK... ...4 Friends of FRANZEN.... ...3 LMTs..... ..2 ROBERT BEARDSLEYs..... ...and JEN and JEFF PAUL in RUSSELL CONSTRUCTION gear!!!

you know you can sing these again and again and again by clicking on the links attached to the verses above, right? you can also find them on the calendar on the HOME page too. Get busy singing along!